Numares licenses the AXINON® System (an FDA-cleared platform), Magnetic Group Signaling® (MGS®) technology, research methods and applications underlying our diagnostic products to clients in the health care industry. For an individual licensing agreement, contact us.
Head of Lipoprotein Analysis and Data Processing
Identifying Metabolites with AI-Enabled Technology
Finding metabolite constellations among hundreds of signals isn't easy.
We use machine learning to analyze data together with NMR metabolite measurements to identify the biomarkers carrying the most information for a certain disease. We then build an equation representing the metabolite constellation, with the equation used as a diagnostic test.
With machine learning, we use sophisticated algorithms to identify the signals from a single serum sample, like a blood or urine test. This information provides specific information about an individual.
Numares video tutorials provide support for AXINON® System installation, operation and maintenance of AXINON® software, NMR spectroscopy hardware and diagnostic software test applications.
For questions, contact our Technical Support.
Daily NMR Maintenance and Qualification - Video Tutorials
Further NMR Maintenance Video Tutorials
Video Tutorials Photo Instructions
All Maintenance Video Tutorials from Numares can be downloaded here as photo instructions:
- Photo instructions: AXINON® System - Automated high-throughput sample preparation
- Photo instructions: AXINON® System - Manual sample preparation
- Photo instructions: Reboot the AXINON® System
- Photo instructions: How to change the NMR pincer